Like many other European countries, the UK entered a second national lockdown last week. Many businesses are more optimistic about this one, when compared to the first one, because the government plans to review it in four weeks time, meaning that there is a good chance that we will be back open by Christmas.

Some businesses have decided to stay open for takeaway and online delivery, while others have decided to pause operations until the end of the lockdown. 

As a customer and member of the community, there is no better time to show your support and loyalty - allowing businesses in your local area to survive and thrive during this tough period.  

Being in the home doesn’t mean that we have to stop everything that we enjoy, in fact, let’s face it, would we be spending that much time outside at this time of year? There are still a host of things that we can do with our extra free time, such as playing board games, getting ahead of our work and eating delicious meals… 

There are so many ways to continue to protect our mental and physical health while we support each other. 

We listed 5 easy ways to that you can do it while also helping out your local businesses…

Order online

Local businesses had some wonderful ideas during the first lockdown, such as ‘ready-to-make’ kits, where they prepare a delicious meal for you and you simply have to cook it. You still enjoy the same meal that you get when you are out, while adding in the fun of cooking it yourself.

Like one of our partners HomeSlice Pizza

Or while working at home, you might decide to order something, so you don’t have to prepare a meal.

The Table Cafe, Brickwood London, Flo Cafe London, DeRosier Chocolate and Coffee, Atis Food some examples that you can enjoy amazing food and feel better. 

If you are the kind of person who loves to try to bake or cook, while you are at home, then we have some good news for you as well. Some restaurants are now offering customers access to the same fresh ingredients that they normally use in their recipes. You can order make your meals yummier with authentic ingredients instead of the beige supermarket ones. 

There are some businesses that offer magic codes that you can enter into the app and get closer to your next reward. Ask your favourite businesses if they have a code. 

Get an extra treat 

Why not treat yourself with a nice coffee after your morning run, grab a chocolate cake or something fresh from your local shop’s daily menu? 

You might want to save it for a moment where you feel particularly low during the day or give it to someone you want to surprise with a little treat. 

St J’s Magic Vouchers.

Buy gift vouchers 

Maybe your favourite shop has decided to stay closed during lockdown or you cannot get a takeaway from them, then we have an excellent way to support them while ensuring that you have something to wait for until you visit them again. 

Gift vouchers… 

Gift vouchers are the best way for you to buy a gift for yourself or a friend,  whilst supporting your favourite shops with some much-needed cash-flow. 

You can visit their website or click here to buy gift vouchers easily. 

Buy Christmas gift from their website 

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”, even though everything seems different to previous years. 

Every business has still put authentic, high-quality products on their website that you can buy for Christmas. 

Pophams Home, Bear Coffee, Perky Blenders Coffee are one of the best places to find nice gifts for your loved ones. 

Support their social media 

This is the easiest and best ways that you can help your favourite businesses.

Following and sharing them will keep their engagement high whilst also giving them the opportunity to reach new customers. 

Here are a couple of businesses that use their social media channels very effectively and create great content that will inspire you! 

JKs Munchies, Nusa Kitchen, Story Coffee, Urban Flowers Co, Better Food Co

Last but not least, don’t forget that these businesses are still offering ways to reward you by stamping in-shop or delivering codes for you to enter and get stamped at your home. So why not try to support them?

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