Valentine's Day with Magic Stamp

Any excuse to show love to our families, friends or lovers is a good one! It’s time to do some celebrating of love…

We have come up with some great ways to show you care this Valentine’s Day and have listed 5 essential things that you can do to make it extra special. Even better, if you use Magic Stamp, it will let you treat yourself too.


Every good day begins with a piping hot coffee! Do your morning exercise, grab a delicious cup of coffee and start to plan Valentine’s Day.

What about starting with a small gesture? You can send a little gift with a morning note to your valentine from his or her favourite coffee shop or restaurant.

And you don’t need to worry if he/she is not at home to get your note and gift because it is digital and is ready to be used whenever they want! Click here to find out how to send a gift via Magic Stamp.


Now, it is time for some classics!


Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be Valentine’s day without flowers!

You can give fresh flowers, a plant, do something classic like roses or try something really crazy to show your love on this special day. If you live in London, then we recommend using Urban Flowers & Co. They create incredible bouquets to add joy to your regular day and get even more creative during special days like Valentine’s.. You can see what they offer here.

If you use Magic Stamp, you can also earn a discount for your next purchase.

Which flowers and colours do you prefer on Valentine’s Day? Tell us in the comment section below.


Your doorbell won’t stop ringing on Valentine’s day, because we have another great, traditional gift.

Eat sweet, talk sweet! Is there any better reason to eat chocolates rather than celebrating your love for someone?

Why not try Derosier, who offer a wide selection of chocolates that will take your day to the next level.



If your valentine is in your household bubble and you are able to see her\him, then you can make your own dessert with fresh seasonal ingredients to show them that you care.

Strawberry flavored desserts or ice-creams are ideal and in-keeping with the spirit of the day.

Why not try a do it yourself ice-cream kit from Marble Slab Creamery!


Wine - the drink of lovers! If you don’t have the forbearance to age a bottle of wine in your house for years, someone else has you covered! Bottle Apostle, a wine shop from London has special bottles of red, white, rose and sparkling depending on what you fancy.

You can either buy to drink on Valentine’s Day or choose a gift set to get ready for special days in the future.

See the choices here and don’t forget to use Magic Stamp to earn a discount.

Happy Valentine’s Day all!

Valentine’s Day will be a bit different this year, but it remains an amazing reason to celebrate and show your love. It doesn’t matter if your loved one is in your social bubble or at a distance, hope you have a nice Valentine’s Day.

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